Counseling Services


Castleberry ISD Care Team’s vision is for all students to possess the knowledge and skills necessary to attain the highest levels of social, emotional and academic success. Our students will demonstrate social emotional learning and core values to become future leaders in our community and world.


The Castleberry ISD Care Team will support the mission of CISD and will be led by professional school counselors, social workers and a crisis counselor. While providing an atmosphere of security, warmth, and encouragement, our purpose is to promote whole child wellness in meeting the academic, social, emotional and behavioral needs of all students and families to reach their fullest potential.

Guidance Office Staff  

9th-12th (A- Loo) Counselor Melissa McPherson 817-252-2106
CTE Counselor Steven Riewe 817-252-2107
9th-12th (Lop- Z) Counselor Katherine Monzon
CCMR Advisor Sal Limas 817-252-2173
Social Worker Gina Torres 817-252-2113
Advanced Academics 
Stephanie Martinez 817-252-2173
Campus Receptionist Angel Cabrera 817-252-2100
Campus Registrar Kriste Cory 817-252-2103
Campus Data Management Specialist  Maria Galvan 817-252-2104
 Attendance Clerk Monica Jaime 817-252-2102

For an appointment with a counselor or social worker, please fill out these  forms:

Counselors &/or Social Worker Contact Request Form Regarding Student Concern/Need

Counselor/Social Worker Appt. Request Form for Parents

For student athletes who may be prospective collegiate athletes, the NCAA Clearinghouse can now be found at Student athletes must register online.

Please download this form to record your Community Service hours. All hours are subject to verification. Please be diligent with recording your hours. It is your responsibility to keep up with the form. 

What Parents Should Know about TITLE I. What is it? How does Title I relate to my child’s education? Click below and listen to find out!